You are where you are today, not just because of the choices you have made in the past, but mostly because of who you were in the past. Your level of being is creating your life. That’s where our choices come from. If you want to create something different, not only do you have to make different choices, but you have to become someone different.
Shifting Your Identity
It’s time to change your being. It’s time to shift your identity. This means reprogramming yourself to BE someone different in the now. Not in the future. The future is now. It’s created in the now. So unless you change your being, your identity, your frequency; nothing is going to change in your reality.
What do you want? Are you sure you want it? Yes? Then answer these questions: who would you have to BE to achieve those things? When you imagine your future self, how are you behaving? What habits and routines are a part of your daily life? How can you start being that now? How can you start thinking differently, behaving differently, feeling differently as if you are that version of you right now?
The Time is Now
Harsh truth: nothing is going to shift for you until you become unapologetic about who you are being in the present and what you are tolerating. Do you need a new circle of friends? Do you need a new environment? Do you need more self trust? What do you need? It’s time to give it to yourself and not wait for the future to take care of it for you.
The only one who can create that inner shift is you. The inner creates the outer. Always. Be the change you wish to create. Start now.
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It is easier said than done, but those who come to terms with the harsh truth mentioned by you in an apt manner, desired changes are bound to take place or atleast the right settings come into play for them to occur. Great going, Hege.
Gosh, I ask my self this every day. Love this line: "Harsh truth: nothing is going to shift for you until you become unapologetic about who you are being in the present and what you are tolerating." Thanks for writing this!