strength in the mist of ever constant changing states. Beautiful. May we be the clouds shifting, floating and then coming down in nourishing, purifying rains, into the puddles and oceans and back again. and around and around we go.
The challenges, struggles, unfavourable situations, uncertainities and setbacks come together in unison numerous times and make us gauge whether we are that strong as we claim to be and if not, we shall turn stronger as it is the Hobson's choice as such events never occur in isolation and are highly repetitive in nature, though in different guises and shades.
strength in the mist of ever constant changing states. Beautiful. May we be the clouds shifting, floating and then coming down in nourishing, purifying rains, into the puddles and oceans and back again. and around and around we go.
The challenges, struggles, unfavourable situations, uncertainities and setbacks come together in unison numerous times and make us gauge whether we are that strong as we claim to be and if not, we shall turn stronger as it is the Hobson's choice as such events never occur in isolation and are highly repetitive in nature, though in different guises and shades.