
Time for the first acoustic cover of 2025! I recorded this in London in 2017 which feels like a long time ago now! It’s such a beautiful song that really speaks to our desire for belonging and our common humanity.

Follow Your Unique Path

When I hear this song it makes me think of our individual journeys and paths. That we are all faced with uncertainty, yet there’s a comfort in connecting to other human beings with whom we share a deep bond as well as certain places that feel like home to us. It speaks to the need for reliability, predictability and a sense of belonging. Perhaps this is why it’s always resonated so deeply with me as I’ve always craved a sense of belonging. This is something I still crave, yet I believe the only place we can truly find this is within ourselves.

Photo of me performing in London in 2017

Creativity As A Tool

Creativity has always been hugely important to me. I love to write music, poetry and have even dabbled in abstract art, which I also truly enjoy. Creative expression is so important. It’s a fantastic tool to develop our self-awareness and to process our emotions in a healthy way. Through creativity I have learnt so much about myself, and therefore by extension, all of us.

I believe creativity, in its highest form, is a bridge between the material and the spiritual. That which we can see and that which we can’t. Everything starts as a creation. Then, through our trust and effort, it becomes a tangible, physical manifestation of what was once only alive in our imagination. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is!

Do What Makes Your Heart Sing

It’s so important that we remember to live from our hearts and to spend time doing those things that truly make us come alive. As we are at the very beginning of a brand new year, this is the perfect time to reflect on how you can infuse more of the things that you truly love into your life. There’s no time like the present!

Follow your heart, it knows the way.

- Henry Novak

I know for myself, that I would like to spend more time on music, poetry and art this year. I’m a true artist at heart!

Now it’s your turn. What makes you come alive? What do you truly love to do? Make sure to make time for those things this year.

Remember to always follow your heart and to trust your unique path. 💛

Sending blessings your way. ✨

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