You don’t need to force anything. You don’t need to try so hard. There is no need to struggle. Not anymore. That was the old you. Now you know better and can do things differently. It’s time to embody surrender.
Releasing The Grip of Control
We all like certainty and it can be easy to try to control outcomes. It gives us a false sense of security and safety. Ultimately, it doesn’t work and is a waste of our time and energy. Force and control is not the way forwards. It’s a fear based behaviour. By trying to control outcomes we are essentially sending out the message that we don’t trust our path, our decisions, ourselves. We don’t trust Source, God, The Universe. So we try to take matters into our own hands, believing ourselves to be all powerful. This is a mistake that leads to burnout and, ironically, it pushes what we desire away from us. Anything you chase will run away from you. There is no need to chase anything. There’s a better way.
All you need to do is to be. Yes of course you have to take action. That’s a given. Yet you don’t need to struggle or strive. Everything that you struggle to attain, you will need to struggle to maintain. This is not how we want to live.
You attract what you are. Relax. Get into a beautiful state and follow your heart. Your heart is infinitely wise and will not lead you astray. Trust it. Instead of struggling you can choose to flow with life. This doesn’t mean that there will never be challenges, but it does mean that you surrender to the natural flow of life, riding the waves instead of swimming against the stream. You may fall over many times, but you know that when you get back up again you are going with the current, not against it.
Surrender to the higher power that governs all life. There is a higher intelligence at play, whether you call this God or The Universe, who knows so much more than you. Take the burden off your shoulders. You don’t need to figure everything out on your own. Trust that you are being guided and looked after. Release the pressure and let yourself be carried to where you’re meant to go. No need to strive. Let go and enjoy the journey.
Surrender is the way. ✨
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What Others Say:
"Silence & Surrender" is a testament to your deep understanding of human nature and your unwavering commitment to helping others find their path to inner peace and authentic living. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness, overcome fear-based thinking, and embrace a life of true alignment and fulfilment."
- Adam Cox, Hypnotherapist
"The journey Hege takes you through in this book holds more power than you can imagine. Silence and Surrender, the book you never knew you were looking for. Thank you Hege, for the incredible wisdom within. This is a transformational read when applied."
- Raghav Parkash, High Performance & Life Coach
"A timely and captivating reminder to stay present and connected to the things that truly matter with plenty of wisdom and insights along the way."
- Aslak Larechibara, Philosopher & Author
Whosoever is able to surrender to Surrender, the life turns magnificent in a real sense. Loved it, Hege. ✨💛
Thank you Hege - trusting in the higher power of God/the Universe (whatever one believes) is the way to live but it’s not easy - as you say, follow your heart. I read recently about following things that bring joy. Not a bad way to live - just need to understand my heart.