We can all feel it. The world is changing and will never be the same as it once was. After 2020, things have been evolving and changing at a rapid rate and it only seems to be escalating. What is it that we are witnessing? What’s coming next? As we ask ourselves these questions let’s take heart in knowing that everything happens for a reason and that what may seem dark from the outside may be the dawning of a beautiful new age.
Out With The Old
There is a reckoning happening. Anything destructive, inauthentic and false is dying. People are waking up to their own spiritual truths and many are seeing beyond the illusions we have been living under for so long. It’s a bit like a collective ego death. When we come into a new awareness and transcend the ego, it tends to make a massive fuss as a last minute attempt to remain in control. This is what we are now seeing play out on the world stage. Old systems that are no longer serving us are dying away. Perhaps we’ve finally outgrown them as we have risen and evolved in consciousness as a collective.
We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become.
- David R. Hawkins
When you have outgrown something you will no longer be an energetic match to it as two different frequencies cannot coexist. Hence, a falling away occurs. A massive shift in consciousness has taken place on a collective level and we are now witnessing the crumbling. The after effect. The pandemic sped up this awakening for many as we were forced into more solitude. Nothing speeds up growth like stillness. As uncomfortable and scary as change and upheaval can feel, it will create a vacuum for something better to take its place. A new dawn for humanity.
What Comes Next?
There seems to be so much condensed darkness and threats to humanity at this time. Yet we mustn’t dwell in fear and remember that there are things we cannot see or understand. Change is messy. It’s never straightforward or easy. Yet perhaps it’s necessary. A lot of things are not what they seem. If we look at history we can see that positive change was often preceded by chaos and destruction. Without that, no change could take place. We must trust that we are, despite how things appear, headed in the right direction.
In recent times truths have been revealed that were previously hidden. Now we’re seeing the falling away of anything false, deceptive and superfluous. There’s cracks in the beautiful facades. From royal families to the entertainment industry. The darkness is coming to light. Let us be very mindful of who we look up to. We know very little of what is real, only what is being presented to us. Perhaps it’s time for us to value critical thinking above glamorous narratives that may or may not be authentic.
Empowerment From Within
Who would we be if we were truly empowered within ourselves? Who would we be as a collective? I have a feeling we wouldn’t have a need for idols or people to look up to because we’ve already validated ourselves and we’re not looking for completion outside of ourselves. Perhaps we also wouldn’t long for the praise and external validation that status and outward power would supposedly give us?
This new beginning for us all is an opportunity for us to create a society that is more in alignment with a higher purpose. If old systems are dying away, this may be a good thing. More and more people are starting to work for themselves and less people want to be tied down by a traditional 9–5 job. We want more. We deserve more.
Correcting The Wrongs
Just like we are moving towards newer structures that can serve us more than the old ones, we are starting to gravitate towards what we’ve lost along the way. Many now want a simpler life, embracing local community and the traditional family unit. So much has been lost as we’ve broken free from dysfunctional ancestral wounding. Now that many of us have healed, it’s time to rebuild. Rebuild the old with the wisdom of the new.
Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur.
- Barbara Marciniak
Perhaps that’s what all this chaos is all about. Reminding us what we want to keep, what we want to discard and what we want to rebuild in a better way. It’s all here for us. Once we’re on the other side of this the world will be forever changed.
Let’s remember that even though we may sometimes miss the old, the old hasn’t really worked for us. The old can’t take us to new heights. It’s time the ride the storms with faith and courage, knowing that a new dawn is in the process of being born.
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If we let go the resistance posed by us, knowingly or unknowingly, and embrace the changes as suggested by you with courage, fortitude and clarity; the outcomes are bound to be magical. There is a beautiful concept mentioned in Sanskrit language that reads 'Charaiveti Charaiveti' which means Keep Moving, Keep Moving. Thanks a lot, Hege.
There’s so much to ponder here! There’s so much positive energy here! There’s so much to appreciate here!