We all experience setbacks, failures and disappointments in life. That’s an inevitability. How we choose to deal with these setbacks, who we choose to be in those moments and what we make it mean about ourselves and our journey is where our power lies. Anything, and I mean anything, can be turned into a springboard for expansion and forward momentum. It’s up to you.
Zooming Out
The only reason why we let setbacks get to us is because we are incapable, in those moments, to zoom out and see the bigger picture. We therefore give what is happening in the present moment too much importance. If you can drop the level of importance you’re giving to your situation, you’re halfway there. It’s a blip, a minor detour. That’s all.
More importantly, anything is an opportunity. What opportunity do you have now that you can’t see? Perhaps this could be a blessing in disguise? How can you turn this around into something that fuels you, makes you a more resilient person, someone who knows that everything is teaching them something they need in order to become who they need to become.
You think you’re ready for what you want. Are you? If you were wouldn’t you have it already? There’s still some inner workings developing within you. Preparing you for what’s to come. You must understand that you are being prepared. What’s the lesson in this? Who are you going to decide to be amidst the crumble? Who are you going to be when things fall apart?
Don’t let what’s happening in the external fool you. You can be who you want to be. You can decide that you are stronger than any external event or circumstance. You can decide to rise. It’s up to you.
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This splendid writing filled me with enough strength to take on the challenges standing at my doorstep and I am certain I will subdue them and rout them eventually. From this moment, everything is an opportunity to me with no scope or room for setbacks. Many thanks, Hege.
Very encouraging piece 🩵