Have you ever felt at the precipice of a new beginning and not knowing which way to turn? I certainly have. Sometimes the old simply crumbles away and suddenly you are left bare with nothing remaining from your old life. This can be both scary and liberating at the same time.
Slowing Down
How can you slow down enough to get still and listen to what your heart tells you? Don’t rush into making a decision out of fear. Remember to stay grounded, centred and balanced. Take a deep breath. What do you truly want? Which choice makes your heart rejoice? Which choice makes your heart sink? Listen deeply to that inner guidance. Somewhere deep within you already have the answers.
The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.
- Heraclitus
The main thing is not to confuse fear with intuition. In order not to rush and make a decision that is based in fear rather than inner knowing, it’s so important to slow down. Don’t ever make a decision when you’re emotional; angry or sad. Slow down enough to feel at peace, calm and balanced. From that place you can make a much wiser decision.
In the past I have made decisions out of fear so many times. I was unable to slow down enough to make a more aligned decision for myself. Ultimately, this has led to detours and what has felt like wasted time. I’ve had to forgive myself for this and try to learn from it.
Lying To Yourself
On the other side of the coin, I have also sometimes not been honest with myself when deep down I knew I wanted or needed to make a different choice, instead sticking with something that wasn’t what my heart called for. This is of course also linked to fear. We’re so often afraid to make the changes that deep down in our very core, we know we need to make. This can lead to us holding on to people, places and things way past their expiration date. Not ideal! Yet we ultimately need to forgive ourselves for this also.
Looking Fear In The Eye
A few years ago I realised how much my life had been ruled by fear. Fear, fear, fear! It can keep us stuck and small when we let fear rule the show. Often we are not even aware of the extent to which fear is holding us back. A lot of the time it’s nestled deeply in our subconscious. Yet if we slow down enough we can start to recognise it for what it is and conquer it.
Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.
- Seth Godin
So how do we conquer our fear? Honestly, I don’t have all the answers, I’m still battling some fears of my own, yet I do know that when we bring it into the light, into our awareness, we can begin to look it in the eye. Once we’ve gotten to this point we must accept that fear is along for the ride and will tell its lies to keep us safe. Knowing this, we can hear it, yet choose not to listen. Remind yourself that it’s safe to move forwards. It’s ok. You can do this! No matter how scared you are trust me when I say, you’ve got this!
Moving Forwards
Regardless of the choices that you make. Trust yourself and trust that you are exactly where you need to be and that you have the power within yourself to make the changes that you desire. Focus on following your heart and inner guidance. One step at a time you will get to your desired destination. Life can change in an instant. Have faith, courage, determination and focus your attention on a positive outcome. You can do it! ✨
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I’m the queen of lying to myself. Thank you for this beautiful piece.