We often feel under so much pressure to keep doing, achieving and accumulating. Therefore, if there are times when we do less, resting or taking time out, we can often see this as wasted time. Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Time is Subjective
We all have 24 hours in one day. Yet our concepts of time can vary greatly. Sometimes, time seems to pass quickly and other times it drags on. We give meaning to time and are quick to label our time spent as worthwhile or wasteful. Yet is there such a thing as wasted time? It depends on your perspective. What we should be wary of is to use this concept as an excuse to not use our time in a way that serves us. That’s definitely not what I’m talking about here.
But assuming you are doing your best and you make progress consistently, then I think it’s safe to say that your time is never wasted. In fact, sometimes what we may categorise as a ‘waste of time’, might in fact be the most valuable use of our time.
Time Well Spent
When is our time truly well spent? The truth is that it’s not just well spent taking action, doing and doing some more. It’s great to take action and it’s a necessity to get anything done to progress towards where you want to go, but it’s only one part of the puzzle. Time spent in solitude, meditation, prayer, rest and contemplation is equally valuable, if not more so. It’s this crucial time that will set you up for effective, productive, and more importantly, aligned action. There’s no need to rush. Slow down enough to know where you’re going.
It’s only when we take time out to connect deeply to ourselves that we can listen to our inner knowing and intuition. This is essential in order to make sure we are on the right track and to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit. It’s essential also, to make sure we are acting from our highest truth and purpose rather than from ego and fear.
You should therefore never feel guilty for taking time out for yourself. It’s truly time well spent and will speed up your progress and fulfilment long term.
You time is never wasted. ✨
If you would like some guidance on practising stillness to change your being, check out my FREE eBook “Silence & Surrender: The Key Components to Crafting & Creating Your Vision.”
Yes! The time in solitude especially helps us create that "aligned action", as you say. I find this the most impactful part of solitude for me.
I too have learned it, Hege and it is my biggest and wisest investment. Thanks a ton, Hege. 😊😊