Anxiety is something many of us experience intermittently throughout our lifetime. It’s very uncomfortable and is often seen as a problem to be solved. I believe that anxiety, unless it is chronic and it makes it difficult for you to live your life, is often a sign that we are standing at the precipice of a new beginning where we are forced to grow into a new level of ourselves. It often accompanies life changes and feelings of uncertainty.
If you are experiencing anxiety, here is what I have learnt about the deeper meaning of anxiety and what it often signifies.
When the Old Dies
When something that symbolises safety to us disappears from our life, whether this is a job, a relationship or some other situation, we are faced with a new beginning in which we don’t know what will come next. That uncertainty can trigger feelings of anxiety as we try to navigate our way through. This is normal and to be expected. Don’t attach too much meaning to this and be gentle with yourself as you are facing the unknown and a new chapter in your life.
“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.”
- Søren Kierkegaard
Whenever I have taken a risk and left behind something that no longer serves me I have experienced anxiety. It’s such an uncomfortable feeling! Yet every single time, it has preceded a positive expansion in my life. Now that I have gone through this several times I intuitively know that feeling anxious is a sign that I am progressing and levelling up. I have learnt that I can sit with the uncomfortable feelings and trust that it’s part of the process of progression in life.
Navigating Change
Sometimes we stay stuck or we avoid progressing because we are afraid of the uncomfortable feelings that will ensue if we step into the unknown. Don’t let that deter you! You are strong enough to navigate your way through uncertainty and know that the anxious feelings will fade with time. Feeling anxious is therefore a sign of your bravery and courage. You can certainly avoid anxiety if you stay the same and cling to the old out of fear and many of us do this. Yet even though this may make you feel safe, avoiding the onset of anxiety, this will make you more unhappy in the long run.
There is no expansion and positive progression without feelings of discomfort and different levels of anxiety. The question is not whether you are anxious or not. The question is: can you understand the deeper meaning that anxiety plays in your evolution and can you embrace it, trusting that you are strong enough to get to the other side and that life will provide for you? Can you welcome it and sit with it until your new normal becomes your new safety? Anxiety can be our teacher and companion throughout life changes.
Practising Presence
When we struggle with anxiety it means we are afraid of the unknown, of what comes next, of how our future will unfold. This is understandable. What can help ease our anxious tendencies is to focus on the present moment. Do things that will take you into the present moment as much as possible. The truth is that we experience anxiety because our thoughts are focused on the future and we are emotionally living from that place. To take your power back, lean into the present as much as you can and trust the process. This is easier said than done, yet with practice it becomes easier.
“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.”
- Seneca
If you need some additional support it can also be helpful to use alternative remedies like Bach Flower Remedies. I have used these for supporting me through life changes and it has helped me to feel less anxious in those moments.
Moving Forwards
Regardless of what is making you feel anxious, remember that you are stronger than you think and that this too shall pass. Remember that it’s better to face temporary discomfort in order to move forwards in your life than to avoid those feelings and stay the same. Life is about our evolution and growth. If you’re experiencing anxiety it’s a sign that you are not stuck nor stagnant. You are moving forwards towards something new and that is exciting, even if it can be anxiety inducing and scary. Trust yourself and be gentle with yourself. You’re levelling up! You’ve got this.
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Sometimes it is the reverse, like when you feel stuck in a situation and you can find a solution.
Hege, you have presented and portrayed anxiety in different and positive light altogetherand if handled well, it can certainly act as a catalyst in our progression towards growth and development. Loved this piece like every other one.