As we witness what is happening on the world stage, it seems to be more and more evident that there is battle going on between light and dark, good vs evil. As more of us are waking up to this, what we may fail to realise is that what’s happening outside of us, is merely a reflection of something greater. What is that you ask? It’s the individual battle each one of us faces.
As we reach a breaking point with the darkness that have previously been hidden coming to the surface in the outer world, what a lot of us may be experiencing is an inner breaking point between our individual aspects of light and dark.
Dancing In The Dark
We all have our inner demons. A lower, less conscious self, held back by trauma and insecurities. That self plays small, because it is small. This is the opposite to our light, our truth. The two are in constant conflict and never see eye to eye. It’s a disturbing dance, yet one we all face.
It’s worthwhile remembering that what we see outside of ourselves is like a mirror, reflecting back to us where we are at collectively. That begs the question: with all the upheaval and uncertainty we see happening in the world today, what does that tell us about our collective humanity and where we’re at? I believe this is very telling.
Most of us have been operating largely from an unconscious place in our lives. That is certainly the case historically and of course the level of awareness and consciousness varies from person to person. Yet the vast majority of humanity are still operating completely unconsciously, unaware of the real, underlying motivations that are driving them day to day and throughout their lives. Anything that is deemed to be external is seen as separate from the Self. Yet is this true? Not really.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
- John 1:5
Once we start working on ourselves and begin the process of bringing the shadows of our subconscious programming to the light, it will feel very dark for a while until we are able to heal and transmute that darkness into light. As humanity is embarking on this journey we can see this reflected in the world around us as well. The hidden is coming to light for all to see. It’s nasty, ugly and certainly unpleasant. Even scary. Yet it’s a necessary evil.
For nothing can be overcome unless one is willing to look honestly at the dirt and start the process of wiping it clean. It’s only when you start moving furniture around that you realise how dusty it’s gotten! Or you only realise how much tension you have accumulated once you go to get a massage. Until then, you are blissfully ignorant. It looks clean and you feel fine. Except, neither of those are really true. Just because you can’t see it or feel it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Everything that we see unfolding now is merely a reflection of us. It’s better to have the courage to face the truth so we can start cleaning up the mess than to pretend it’s not there. Even if we don’t want to see it. There it is. No denying it now!
The Inner Battle
What we must all ultimately overcome is our own self-doubt, fear, ego and insecurities. They are the culprits, the ones who keep us small and the world dark. They’re in all of us. Nothing will change outside of us, until we transcend those aspects of ourselves and learn, once and for all, that we are enough just as we are. It is safe for you to embrace and accept every single part of yourself. You don’t need to hide or disown any part of yourself. Those aspects are just trying to keep you safe. Have some compassion. You’re not bad. Don’t judge yourself or berate yourself. That’s your smallness speaking.
There is no coming to consciousness without pain.
- Carl Jung
We have forgotten who we truly are. We are beings of light in a world where that light is not always acknowledged or welcomed. Instead, the darkness is being rewarded, praised and worshipped. We have lost touch with our true essence.
As you face your insecurities, fears and doubts, remember that you are none of those things. You are so much more. If we want a better world, we must face our own deepest shadows, accept them, forgive them and dare to step boldly into our greatness, our power, our light.
As each one of us does this inner work with self-compassion, awareness and grace, we can co-create a beautiful new future for ourselves and the world around us. It’s never too late. We’re just getting started. ✨
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What a powerful clarion call, Hege. We all have darkness within and if we do not jump into the dark alleys to cleanse them to brighten them, dark and darkness are bound to prevail. Choice is ours...